Useful Tips

Why do I attract obsessive guys

Why do I attract obsessive guys

Have you ever wondered why you keep attracting obsessive guys? It can be frustrating and even frightening to deal with someone who becomes too possessive and controlling in a relationship. In this blog post, we’ll explore why you might be attracting obsessive guys and what you can do to break this pattern.

Low Self-Esteem

One of the most common reasons people attract obsessive partners is low self-esteem. If you don’t value yourself or believe you deserve love and respect, you may be more likely to tolerate controlling and possessive behavior from a partner. It can lead to a vicious cycle where the more you put up with, the more likely you are to attract similar partners.

Unresolved Trauma

Another reason why you might attract obsessive partners is if you have unresolved trauma from your past. Perhaps you experienced abuse or neglect as a child, or you’ve been in emotionally abusive relationships. If you haven’t worked through these issues, you may unconsciously seek partners who replicate the same dynamics.

Lack of Boundaries

You may be more likely to attract obsessive partners if you struggle with setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. It is because they will push your boundaries and test your limits, and if you don’t know how to say no or enforce your boundaries, you may end up in a relationship where you feel constantly overwhelmed and drained.

Need for Validation

Some people attract obsessive partners because they deeply need validation and approval. If you don’t feel secure in yourself and your worth, you may seek out partners who constantly shower you with attention and affection. However, this can quickly become possessiveness and jealousy when the partner feels they’re losing control.

Patterns from Childhood

Finally, your patterns of attraction may stem from your childhood experiences. Growing up with a controlling or emotionally unavailable parent might make you more likely to attract partners who replicate these same dynamics. It is because it feels familiar to you, even if it’s unhealthy.

Breaking the Pattern

If you find yourself consistently attracting obsessive partners, it’s important to take steps to break the pattern. Here are some things you can do:

Work on your self-esteem and self-worth. It might involve therapy, self-care practices, or simply practicing self-compassion and positive self-talk.

Address any unresolved trauma from your past. It could mean working with a therapist, joining a support group, or engaging in other healing practices like yoga or meditation.

Focus on finding partners who respect and value you. It means being clear about your expectations and not settling for anything less than you deserve.

Be patient and kind to yourself. Breaking patterns takes time and effort, but it’s ultimately worth it.


Is it my fault that I attract obsessive guys?

No, it’s not your fault. However, taking responsibility for your attraction patterns and taking steps to break them is important.

Can therapy help me break the pattern of attracting obsessive partners?

Yes, therapy can be very helpful in addressing underlying issues and learning new relationship skills.

How can I tell if someone is possessive or controlling in a relationship?

Some signs of possessiveness and control include jealousy, isolation, monitoring your activities or communication, and trying to make decisions for you. Trust your instincts and seek support if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe in a relationship.

Can I change my attraction patterns?

Yes, changing your attraction patterns with self-awareness, effort, and practice is possible. It may involve exploring underlying issues, working on your self-esteem and boundaries, and being intentional about the partners you pursue.

Why do some people stay in relationships with obsessive partners?

There are many reasons why someone might stay in a relationship with an obsessive partner, including fear, codependency, a sense of obligation or loyalty, or a belief that they can change the partner’s behavior. However, staying in an unhealthy relationship can have serious consequences for your well-being and safety, and it’s important to seek support if you feel stuck or unsafe.

What are some red flags to watch out for in a new relationship?

Some red flags that may indicate an obsessive or controlling partner include rushing into a relationship too quickly, not respecting your boundaries, trying to isolate you from friends and family, and showing signs of jealousy or possessiveness. Trust your instincts and seek support if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe in a new relationship.

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