Emotion Management

Why do I attract ugly guys

why do I attract ugly guys

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you attract guys you are not physically attracted to? Have you ever wondered why this happens? If yes, then this post is for you. In this post, we will explore why you attract “ugly” guys and what you can do to change it.

What do you mean by “ugly” guys?

Before we delve deeper into the topic, let’s first understand what we mean by “ugly” guys. Attractiveness is subjective, and what one person finds unattractive might be attractive to someone else. Therefore, when we use the term “ugly” in this post, we refer to guys who do not meet your physical standards of attractiveness.

Why do you attract “ugly” guys?

Low self-esteem

One of the reasons why you attract “ugly” guys is low self-esteem. If you do not value yourself and your worth, you might settle for less and attract guys who do not meet your physical standards.

Unhealthy relationship patterns

Your attraction to “ugly” guys might also be due to unhealthy relationship patterns. If you have a history of attracting guys who are not good for you, this might be a pattern you need to break.

Your perception of yourself

Your perception of yourself can also influence the type of guy you attract. If you see yourself as unattractive, you might attract guys who also see themselves as unsuitable.

Limited social circles

Your social circles can also play a role in the type of guys that you attract. If you have a limited social circle, you might attract guys different from your kind because you are not exposed to a diverse group of people.

What can you do to change it?

Work on your self-esteem.

The first step to attracting the right guys is to improve your self-esteem. Learn to value yourself and your worth; do not settle for less than you deserve.

Break unhealthy relationship patterns.

It is time to break this pattern if you have a history of attracting guys who could be better for you. Seek professional help if needed, and learn healthy relationship habits.

Change your perception of yourself.

Change your perception of yourself and learn to see yourself as attractive. Surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you.

Expand your social circles.

Expand your social circles by joining new groups and trying new activities. It will expose you to a diverse group, increasing your chances of meeting someone who meets your physical standards.

In conclusion, attracting “ugly” guys might result from low self-esteem, unhealthy relationship patterns, your perception of yourself, or limited social circles. However, you can change this by working on your self-esteem, breaking unhealthy relationship patterns, changing your perception of yourself, and expanding your social circles.


Is it wrong to attract “ugly” guys?

No, it is not wrong to attract “ugly” guys. Attractiveness is subjective, and what one person finds unattractive might be attractive to someone else.

How can I improve my self-esteem?

You can improve your self-esteem by practising self-care, surrounding yourself with positive people, and focusing on your strengths.

Can I change my unhealthy relationship patterns?

Yes, you can change your unhealthy relationship patterns. Seek professional help if needed and learn healthy relationship habits.

How can I expand my social circles?

You can expand your social circles by joining new groups, trying new activities, and attending social events.

Is physical appearance the only factor that matters in a relationship?

No, physical appearance is just one factor in a relationship. Personality, shared interests, and values also play a significant role.

How do I know if I have unhealthy relationship patterns?

Unhealthy relationship patterns can include settling for less than you deserve, ignoring red flags, and staying in toxic relationships. If you find yourself repeatedly experiencing these patterns, it might be time to seek professional help.

Can I change my physical standards of attractiveness?

Yes, physical standards of attractiveness can change over time. As you grow and mature, your preferences and priorities change as well.

Is it shallow to prioritize physical attractiveness in a partner?

It is not shallow to prioritize physical attractiveness in a partner as long as it is not the only factor that matters to you. Everyone has their preferences and priorities in a relationship, and it is important, to be honest with yourself about what matters to you.

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